Seamlessly integrate Notion and HubSpot in a few clicks
Save hours of weekly manual work by automating interactions between HubSpot and Notion

30% of processes are being negatively impacted by manual work and human errors.
Emails, Meetings, follow-ups... There's so much going on.
Time Consuming
2 hours per week to switch context between tools
Hard to Manage
Struggle to find time
Reduced Productivity
Reduced productivity and diminished enjoyment of your role
All you need to connect HubSpot and Notion fast and streamline operations
Automate your workflow and save hours of manual work with our powerful integration tools.
- Send automated Discord messages
- Track member engagement
- Manage roles automatically
- Custom welcome messages

Select a plan to get started
Linkle Starter
$15 USD
Send Discord messages from HubSpot workflows without limits
Sync Discord members to HubSpot
One-off and recurring report sharing directly from HubSpot UI to Discord
Create Discord invite links in Workflows
Manage Discord roles through HubSpot Workflows
Support via email and Disco's Discord server